I don't write as often as I'd like to. When I do, it sometimes ends up here.
10k Apart: 10k Slides
Creating a presentation application in as many bytes as a favicon.
9.28.2019 -
Making Change: Interviewing with CSS
"Please code this in a language of your choice." CSS is a language. It runs in O(awesome time).
11.30.2014 -
CSS AI II: Declared Intelligence
5.10.2013 -
CSS AI: Declared Intelligence
Can a game tree be stored in CSS and used to drive a computer AI? Spoiler: yes.
4.21.2013 -
CSS Dot Matrix Counter
Some ideas can instantly be recognized as bad ones. This was one of those ideas. This was the type of idea that could only be had after reading bits of an autobiography on writing AI and drinking Elysian IPA. But it was simple enough.
3.12.2013 -
CSS3 Interactive Interfaces
11.30.2012 -
100 Bottles CSS Game
Using CSS to create a small game, including handling user interaction and the computer's moves.
11.10.2012 -
What Local Storage Means for Content
11.10.2012 -
Local Storage Sync: Google's Missing Option
9.8.2012 -
The Philosophy of Content Strategy
8.31.2012 -
Responsive Content Revisited
3.12.2012 -
CSS3 Letterpressing
By using text-shadow, we can help better implement type to be closer to the typographer's original intent.
12.3.2011 -
Responsive Content Field Guide
6.11.2011 -
JavaScript Array and Object Comments
5.1.2011 -
Making Purple: Pretty Gutters in CSS3
CSS3 selectors can help make proper gutters in floated content. This problem was posed by LifeHacker.
4.1.2011 -
QR Codes: A Mirage in the Desert
3.26.2011 -
Simulating Mobile Sites on an iPad
2.1.2011 -
Styling Parent Elements in CSS
I love CSS. Really, I do. However, no matter how much time CSS saves, there are some tasks that are very hard to do. Consider vertical centering. Consider equal height columns. In this article, we consider styling parents.