Public Speaking and Conferences
On several occasions, I've been lucky enough to share my passion for web technology with an audience. Looking for a speaker? Reach out.
Distribute Hackathon
Hosted a hackathon distributed between Seattle, NYC and London. The goal: to radically evolve the way distributed teams work, communicate, collaborate and have fun together.
Testing the Cascade
Techniques for testing CSS. Includes rendered site comparisons and static analysis.
- Amazon WebDevCon, 2015
Unnatural Selection: Platypi of the CSS World
Abuses CSS selectors to create games, model game AI, and respond to user interaction. All without JavaScript.
- Amazon WebDevCon, 2013
Responsive Content
Where responsive design meets content strategy. Based on Responsive Content Field Guide.
- SXSW 2012
- CSS Dev Conference, 2012
- Amazon WebDevCon, 2012
One Site, Many Sizes
Introduction to responsive design and crafting websites that work across devices.
- Bend WebCam, 2011